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Image by Luca Bravo

Individual Coaching Scenarios

Below are some common scenarios which I explore with clients, to give a sense of what can be achieved.

For Individuals: Welcome

"I need to improve my leadership"

You deliver your results and hit targets, but the feedback from your team and/or boss is that your leadership skills need to be improved. You may have difficulty letting go as you don’t want to risk things going wrong if you are not personally managing them. You may feel that the team doesn’t offer you enough support, but employees may be leaving your team as they don’t feel they get the development they need. People may comment that you don’t set out a clear vision for the team or business.

A great leader is able to set out a clear vision and engage a team to deliver it. They understand their specific value and delegate effectively to others. They build teams that can share the burden and welcome those that challenge and hold them accountable. 

In tackling this scenario, we will discuss your vision for the business and understand your unique contribution to this. We’ll evaluate your team and your leadership of them, using feedback where available to discover and develop your leadership personality.

For Individuals: About

"I work hard and although I'm successful in my current role, I seem to be overlooked for promotion"

You feel ready to progress to the next level, but it’s not happening in the timeframe you'd like. Your career experience to date has been that if you perform well in a current role, the company notices and you are considered for promotion. 

My experience is that at a certain level, the tap on the shoulder for the new role stops happening, processes become a little more formal and politics come into play.  

In this environment, how do you ensure that you demonstrate your capabilities to the right people? Are you aware of the processes that are in operation and who speaks for you when senior positions are discussed? While success in your current role is necessary, it is not the only step in achieving that promotion.

In working through this scenario we will explore how through behaving like you’re already in the promoted role and getting on the right people’s radars, you can achieve your ambition.

For Individuals: About

"I seem to fall foul of organisational politics"

I have reached a certain level of seniority and have become more aware of organisational politics. However, I don’t feel well equipped to deal with them, and there have been scenarios in which I feel I have missed out as others navigated the politics more successfully. I don’t want to become a political animal, but I want to hold my own and use the politics of the organisation positively to achieve my goals and those of the business. 

In tackling this we’ll discuss the culture at your workplace and how people operate. We will identify key stakeholders and those who have influence (these are not always those in the most senior positions). We’ll examine direct and indirect influencing, and may even profile your own political savvy to consider how you can develop it. I will help you work out how to use politics positively for the good of you and the company.

For Individuals: About

"I want to improve the balance between my work and the rest of my life"

I’m building a strong career and having success, but it requires full on attention. The pandemic has only served to exacerbate this, things that before took 5 minutes to resolve before with a corridor chat, now take hours. My home life is suffering and I don’t have enough time for my family or my other interests. I’m feeling overwhelmed.

We’ll discuss your whole life ambitions and goals and look at the balance of time you are spending on each area of your life. Is this how you want it to be? What can you do to change it? We’ll consider what your work ambitions are, and what sacrifices you are prepared to make to attain your career goals. Our work will look at different approaches you can take that allow you to achieve the right balance, and the role your team might play in this. 

For Individuals: About

Contact Me

Email me to book in for your complimentary call, and to discuss how I can help

Tel: 07557965709

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