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Image by Nastuh Abootalebi

For Employers

For Employers: Welcome

The working pattern changes driven by the pandemic, have caused us to think about the role of leadership. With remote or hybrid teams, our leaders need to be ultra-sensitive to team dynamics and individual needs. Each team member has a unique set of circumstances. How can we accommodate this disparate set of needs and still get the job done?

All of this puts enormous pressures on leaders. Coaching is a valuable tool to help them think through their changed role and lead in a way that will allow them and the business to succeed.

New leadership styles 

  • Hyper Inclusivity: Managing remote and hybrid teams requires leaders to recognise the different circumstances of team members and find ways to ensure they remain fully engaged. 

  • Humility and Vulnerability: No more tough guys. The world is changing fast and unpredictably at times, our leaders need to open up, admit that they don’t have all the answers and that they have uncertainties, fears and doubts like the rest of the team. Only by doing this will they give permission to the team to discuss issues in their own work and access help and support when needed.

  • Empathy: Employee wellbeing is critical, particularly where people are facing new challenges associated with home working, family illness, childcare. Leaders need to display real empathy and allow the flexibility for team members to balance personal priorities with achievement of business goals.

  • Productivity: What does performance look like in our changed and changing world? We can no longer use presenteeism as a proxy for productivity. Leaders need to focus on outcomes not activity and recognise and reward performance within this new context.

For Employers: About Me


Realising Potential

You see innate talent in your leaders, but they sometimes fail to realise this talent in the real environment. Something is holding them back. My coaching will unearth the issues; maybe it’s a question of confidence, or an uncomfortableness with organisational politics, or an uncertainty around ambition. First, I build trust, maybe by sharing some of my own uncertainties and doubts through my career, then we explore together the leaders hopes and ambitions, fears or doubts and develop mechanisms to help them move on.

Self Awareness

A leader may be great at the technical and operational side of the job, but their impact on others is less than optimal. They receive feedback form their team which may indicate that they are not empowered to make decisions and get on or that they feel undervalued. Using feedback and discussing scenarios and looking at things from others points of view, I can raise awareness and find the trigger that enables the coachee to change.

Supporting Progression

You are preparing a leader for their next promoted position, they’re on the succession plan, but have some areas in which they still need to develop. How can you support them to develop these new capabilities? With my background in HR and leadership development, I have a strong understanding of requirements at different levels, and how to develop these. I will first explore the demands of the promoted post with the coachee, then help them compare to their current role and identify the new requirements and how these can be developed. Can they take on an assignment? Who can help them? And critically, who in the organisation will make the decision about their prospective role and how do they influence them?

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For Employers: Services

Contact Me

Email me to book in for your complimentary call, and to discuss how I can help

Tel: 07557965709

For Employers: Contact
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